Jumat, 25 Maret 2011

Lomba Esai Narasi Nasional 2011

Lomba Esai Narasi Nasional 2011
Deadline:  22 Mei 2011
Dalam menyambut Hari Pendidikan Nasional bertepatan dengan pelaksanaan seminar nasional oleh Forum Nasional Pendidikan Alternatif bertajuk “Pendidikan Humanis Hari Ini”, panitia pelaksana (panpel) memberi kesempatan bagi mahasiswa dan guru untuk berkarya memberi sumbang pemikiran kritis idealis dan solutif dalam rangka ‘memanusiakan manusia’ secara tertulis dalam “Lomba Esai-Narasi Nasional 2011″.


Waktu pelaksanaan
22 Maret – 22 Mei 2011


Sub tema
1. Pendidikan dilematis
2. Belajar itu asik
3. Berbenah dari kelas
4. Antara guru, fasilitator, dan orang tua

Alamat mengirim
Naskah dikirim ke narasi.ep@gmail.com

1. Mahasiswa
2. Guru

1. Orisinalitas;
2. Gaya bahasa; dan
3. Ketepatan analisa.

Pengumuman kepesertaan
Pertama 5 April 2011
Kedua 3 Mei 2011
Ketiga 22 Mei 2011 (Hari terakhir pengiriman naskah, pukul 24.00 WIB)

Pengumuman pemenang
24 Mei 2011
  1. Naskah boleh berbentuk narasi atau esai.
  2. Naskah tidak pernah dipublikasikan di media cetak maupun elektronik.
  3. Naskah ditulis di atas kertas ukuran A4, margin normal, 1 spasi, minimal 5 halaman, disertai fotenote / daftar pustaka bila terdapat rujukan atau kutipan.
  4. 1 orang peserta hanya mengirim maksimal 2 naskah.
  5. Naskah fokus pada sub tema, tidak bercabang.
  6. Halaman akhir naskah dilengkapi dengan data pribadi ( nama, alamat, usia, tempat kuliah, tempat mengajar, no HP / kontak, email, dan no rekening -pribadi atau berwakil).
  7. Setiap pengiriman naskah peserta melampirkan ettachment file scan KTP yang masih berlaku.
  8. Setiap peserta diharuskan menulis isi pengumuman lomba ini di note FB masing-masing dengan men-tag 25 teman termasuk akun FB panitia (sebelumnya add forum.pendidikan@ymail.com).
  9. Kepesertaan gugur bila tidak sesuai ketentuan naskah.
  10. Naskah yang masuk menjadi milik panitia.
  11. Hanya pemenang yang akan dihubungi panitia via email / telepon dan hadiah dikirim ke no rekening pemenang.
  12. Keputusan panitia adalah kuat dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.

Kategori mahasiswa
Penerima penghargaan pertama Rp. 6.000.000;
Penerima penghargaan kedua Rp. 3.000.000;
Penerima penghargaan ketiga Rp. 1.500.000;

Kategori guru
Penerima penghargaan pertama Rp. 7.000.000;
Penerima penghargaan kedua Rp. 3.500.000;
Penerima penghargaan ketiga Rp. 2.000.000;
* Keterangan : Hadiah sudah termasuk pajak
sumber: http://edukasialternatif.blogspot.com/2011/03/lomba-esai-narasi-pendidikan-kritis.html

Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

Beasiswa S1 Korea

We are excited to inform you that KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) Undergraduate International Student Admissions for Fall 2011 will start very soon. This year, the application submission period will be from March 2 to April 15 of 2011.

There is KAIST Scholarship:
KAIST provides full scholarship (Full exemtion Tution and Fee plus montly Allowances) for KAIST Scholarship recipients. After the third year of enrollment, students’ GPA should be above 3.0 (out of 4.3) in order to maintain the full scholarship. Monthly allowances will vary from 200,000~350,000KRW.

All of the necessary information for applying to KAIST can be found at http://admission.kaist.ac.kr. Please do not hesitate to contact us at kaistintl@kaist.ac.kr / phone (82-42)350-2354 if you have any questions.

Faculty/Collage (Departement) avalaible for undergraduate in KAIST:
1. College of Natural Science (Physics,Mathematical Sciences and Chemistry )
2. College of Life Science & Bioengineering (Biological Sciences, Bio & Brain engineering )
3. College of Engineering School of Mechanical, Aerospace
& Systems Engineering (Mechanical Engineering,Aerospace Engineering,
Civil & Environmental Engineering ,Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering ,Materials Science & Engineering ,Nuclear & Quantum Engineering )
4. College of Information Science & Technology (Electrical Engineering, Computer Science,Information & Communication Engineering, Industrial & Systems Engineering ,Industrial Design
5. School of Innovation Management Science

For more detail informations (step by step and document required) you can visit also to my blog:

Beasiswa S1 Thailand

Sripatum International College Scholarship Program
in celebration of the 40th Anniversary of
Sripatum University

Sripatum International College
Sripatum University

Eligible Applicant :

1. Applicant must be a citizen of the following countries and currently enrolled in College or University, or have recently completed final year of high school.

- North America (1): USA

- Europe (15): United Kingdom, France, Spain, Sweden, Italy, Germany, Norway,Denmark, Luxembourg, Slovakia, Russia, Switzerland, Ukraine, Turkey, Bulgaria

- Australia: (2): Australia, New Zealand

- ASIA (2): China, India

- ASEAN member countries

2. Applicant must have good academic record from accredited institution.

3. Applicant must have a good command of written and spoken English.

4. Applicant must be in good condition physically and mentally.

How to Apply :

1. Application : Applicant may obtain application package from Sripatum International College (SIC) in person, or on SIC website at http://intl.spu.ac.th.

2. Submit the completed application form including academic record (original or a certified copy by the given institution), medical form, two letters of recommendation, and etc.) to the following address:

Director : Sripatum International College (SIC)
Sripatum University 
Level 8, Building 11,
61 Phaholyothin Road, Jatujak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand

e-Mail : intl@spu.ac.th

Timeline :

1. Application must reach SIC by: April 30, 2011

2. Successful applicant will be notified by email, and list of successful applicants will be posted on SIC website by: May 10, 2011

Programs Available (all 4 years degree) :

1. Bachelor of Arts in International Business Communication

2. Bachelor of Business Administration in Hotel Management

Scholarship Inclusion :

Tuition fees and Registration fees for the period of four years (scholarship will be reviewed after each academic year, based on academic performance)

Scholarship Exclusions :

1. Accommodation

2. Living Allowance

3. Air Ticket

4. Visa fees

5. Personal expenses

6. Medical expenses

7. Health Insurance

8. Other expenses that may occur

Number of scholarships available :

Twenty scholarships in total

Visa :

As soon as the selection of the awardees has been made, SIC will send the "Letter of Acceptance" to each student by mail. Upon your receipt, please contact the Thai Embassy / Consulate in your country to allow them sufficient time to process your visa application. The student shall apply for the appropriate type of visa (Non-Immigration, ED type) as early as possible on their own expenses. After that please let the SIC know the results of the visa application immediately.

Contact Information :

 : Sripatum International College
Sripatum University

Level 8, Building 11,
61 Phaholyothin Road, Jatujak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand
Tel: +66 2 – 579-1111 Ext: ext. 1017, 1018, 1303

Fax : 662 – 558 – 6868

E-mail : intl@spu.ac.th

List of required documents :

1. Completed Application Form with photo attached

2. Two Essays

3. Two Letters of recommendation with contact address

4. Completed Medical Form

5. Original or certified copies of Transcript and Diploma

6. Resume or brief biodata

7. TOEFL (at least 65 for iBT) or IELTS (at least 5.5 for all bands)
Or proof that English language is used for the medium of instruction for your high school education.

8. Two additional photos (35x45cm)

Essay Topics :

Please submit a 1,000 word essay on the following title: `Why do you want to study in International Business OR Hotel management program at SIC? and What do you hope to accomplish through this program?

Further information:

TIM Futsal MA YTP Melaju ke Final Futsal se Kab Nganjuk

Tim Futsal MA YTP 1 akan menghadapi tim futsal SMAN Kertosono (SMAKER) dalam laga final liga futsal SMP/SMA se Kabupaten Nganjuk yang digelar oleh PM Al-Barokah, Ahad 20 Maret 2011 pukul 11.00 wib.
Dalam liga yang berlangsung sejak Januari 2011 lalu, Pon-pes YTP mengirim tiga tim untuk ikut berlaga: 1 Tim MTS YTP yang berlaga di divisi SMP sederajat, dan 2 Tim di divisi SMA sederajat.
Tim MTs YTP gagal melaju di babak 16 besar, sementara 2 tim MA YTP berhasil melaju ke seperempat final dan final. Tim futsal MA YTP 2 akan melakoni laga memperebutkan gelar ke 3 melawan Tm futsal Smaker 2, sementara MA YTP 1 melawan tim futsal Smaker 1 untuk menjadi yang terbaik di liga se nganjuk itu.
Ayo rek, rame-rame kita dukung tim futsal YTP!

Rabu, 09 Maret 2011

beasiswa azerbaijan

Fellowship for International Students

Mission and Objectives

The world is shrinking fast, and social, economic and political interactions among countries and peoples are becoming more frequent. But meeting these challenges is both more complicated and requires greater skill than perhaps at any other time in human history.

At ADA, we are motivated by a need to establish an outstanding education and training for our own citizens in Azerbaijan, but we know that our growing nation also has a responsibility to bring first-class international education and leadership training for others in the region and the world, and to promote intellectual inquiry on many topics.

Hence, Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy has launched Heydar Aliyev Fellowship. Named after Heydar Aliyev, Azerbaijan's national leader and visionary statesman, the fellowship is meant to prepare global leaders with strong commitment to serve public cause.

The purpose of the fellowship is to:

- prepare innovative leaders with vision and global perspective
- encourage commitment to public service and further contribute to its development
- actively participate in international human capacity enhancement efforts
- enhance diversity of student body at ADA
- promote further intellectual inquiry on international topics
- help to strengthen bilateral relations between Azerbaijan and friendly countries.

The Heydar Aliyev Fellowship is granted to international students to study at ADA's Master and Bachelor Programs.

Fellowship Information

ADA offers Heydar Aliyev Fellowship to international students applying for MA and BA programs starting as of the Fall of 2011. This fellowship covers full cost of attendance and cost of living*.

Fellowship Requirements

- Applicants should first be admitted into ADA. Only admitted and enrolled students in good academic standing are eligible for the Fellowship.
- Previous work experience in public sector and/or commitment to serve in public sector
- Minimum semester GPA level of 3.0 is required for continuation of fellowship
- Recipients are expected to actively engage in ADA community

For admission criteria and procedures, please, visit www.ada.edu.az/admissions


beasiswa luar negeri dari depkominfo

Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika pada Tahun 2011 kembali membuka kesempatan dan menyediakan beasiswa pendidikan S2 di luar negeri bagi PNS di lembaga kementerian dan non-kementerian termasuk PNS TNI/ POLRI, baik di lingkungan pemerintah pusat maupun pemerintah daerah serta karyawan/karyawati swasta.

Persyaratan :

1. Lulusan sarjana (S1)

2. Memiliki IPK minimal 2.90 (dari skala 4)

3. Memiliki nilai Institutional TOEFL (ITP)  minimal 550 atau IELTS minimal  6.5

4. Memiliki nilai Tes Potensi Akademik (TPA) minimal 550

5. Mendapat rekomendasi dari pejabat yang berwenang

6. Diutamakan :

a. Memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 2 tahun

b. Berusia maksimal 35 tahun

c.  Belum memiliki gelar dan tidak sedang menerima beasiswa lain dan/atau sedang mengikuti program pendidikan S2

7. Pendaftaran dan penyerahan berkas lamaran beasiswa paling lambat tanggal

4 April 2011

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