Minggu, 30 Januari 2011

Deklarasi HAPPRI Lamongan

Alumni Ponpes Arraudlatul Ilmiyah daerah Lamongan akan mendeklarasikan Himpunan Alumni Ponpes Arraudlatul Ilmiyah (HAPPRI) Daerah Lamongan pada 15 Pebruari 2011 pukul 08.00 wib di Gowah Blimbing Paciran Lamongan. 
Acara ini mengundang seluruh alumni, pengasuh PP YTP Kertosono, pengurus HAPPRI Pusat dan menghadirkan Dr Arif Al-Imroni, MSc dan Dr Ki Ageng Abdul Fattah Wibisono, MA sebagai pembicara. Kepada seluruh alumni yang ingin hadir langsung datang ke TKP.

Beasiswa Ajonomoto untuk warga negara ASEAN

Ajinomoto Scholarship for ASEAN International Students

2012 Application Guidelines

1. Aims

This program enables students from five ASEAN countries (Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Vietnam) wishing to enroll in a master's course (major in one of the sciences) at the University of Tokyo, to secure scholarships before their arrival in Japan. It

aims to cultivate individuals capable of leading Asia in the twenty-first century and to contribute to the development of Asia and the world as well as to mutual understanding between these countries and Japan.

2. Eligibility

Applicants who wish to enroll in a master's course and major in one of the sciences (except medicine and veterinary medicine) at the University of Tokyo and who fulfill the following requirements and qualifications.

1. Applicants must be citizens of Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, or Vietnam.

2. Applicants must have graduated or be expected to graduate with an excellent academic record (with 16 years of education completed or expected to be completed) and must receive the recommendation of their university president or academic advisor or be otherwise qualified to enroll in the University of Tokyo.
3. Applicants must be under the age of 35 on April 1, 2012.
4. In principle, the applicant must be able to obtain approval of acceptance as a Postgraduate International Research Student (hereinafter "Research Student"), from the University of Tokyo and be registered as a Research Student for April 2012 or October 2012.
However, the applicant may enroll directly as a master's course student of some graduate schools in the University of Tokyo. In that case, the applicant must be able to obtain approval of enrollment from the University of Tokyo and be registered as a master's course student for Apr 2012 or Oct 2012.
5. Applicants must acquire adequate Japanese language proficiency that is required in order to research and study in a master's course, when enrolling as a master's course
student of the University of Tokyo.
6. Applicants must apply from the above 5 countries and be able to attend selection procedures when necessary.
7. Applicants must be in good physical and mental health and have a strong motivation for learning.
8. Applicants must not be receiving other scholarships.
3. Scholarship Amounts
a) Research Student at graduate school: ¥150,000/month (for max. 1 year)
b) Master's course at graduate school: ¥180,000/month (for max. 2 years)
c) Examination, Admission and Tuition fees: covered in full
d) Airfare (to and from Japan): covered up approximately to ¥200,000 (equivalent amount for economy class ticket. Actual amount in principle)
4. Number of students to be accepted
1 student from each of 5 countries (Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Vietnam)
5. Period of Scholarships
Scholarships will be provided for max. 3 years, 1 year studying as a Research Student and max. 2 years studying in a master's course. The scholarship will be suspended if the scholarship recipient fails to pass the entrance exam for a master's course within a year after arriving to Japan if the recipient enters as a Research Student.
If the recipient enters as a master's course student, scholarships will be provided for max. 2 years.
6. Application details of each graduate school of the University of Tokyo
Applicants can enroll as Research Students or master's course students in one of the sciences (except medicine and veterinary medicine) of the graduate schools in the University of Tokyo. Refer appendix 1 for details.
7. Application Deadline
March 31, 2011
8. Application Documents
1. Application form (Form 1) and study program (assigned form)
2. Transcript of scholastic record issued by the university or graduate school attended (no photocopies, written in Japanese or English)
3. A letter of recommendation from university president or academic advisor (assigned form.
Additional recommendation letter would be accepted)
4. Additional documents (Optional)
A copy of documents proving Japanese Proficiency of the applicant, such as JPLT result, certificate of attendance to Japanese higher education facilities and Japanese Training institutions may be considered.
5. The documents submitted shall not be returned under any circumstances.
9. Selection Process
1. 1st Screening
The screening will be based on the received documents, such as research activities and study plans, university transcript and the letter of recommendation.
2. 2nd screening
The screening for the successful applicants will be based on the following documents.
a) Necessary document required by the Graduate School that the applicant wishing to enroll.-TOEFL Score, etc. (Refer appendix 2)
b) Certificate of Graduation (or Graduation Letter) or Student Registration Certificate
Note: An interview will be held for 2nd selection (in English or in Japanese)
Note: An interview will be held for 2nd selection (in English or in Japanese)
10. Suspension or Termination of Scholarship
The scholarship will be suspended or terminated, if any one of the following conditions applies to the scholarship recipient: According to the circumstances, the scholarship amount already disbursed may be subject to repayment in full or in part:
a) False information found in the application form.
b) Receives any other scholarship.
c) Fails to pass the entrance examination to a University of Tokyo master's course within one year after arriving to Japan (recipient who enters as a Research Student).
d) Fails to arrive in Japan by the appointed date.
e) Shows poor academic performance due to absence, lack of desire to study or being unable to keep up research for some reason.
f) Has difficulty continuing to study due to illness or other health problems.
g) Violates the rules and regulations of the University of Tokyo or the Ajinomoto Scholarship Foundation.
11. Selection and Notification
1st Screening Late March – April, 2012
2nd Screening May – July, 2012
Notification of the results July, 2012
The nominated applicants who had passed the 2nd Screening must compile all the necessary documents for applying to University of Tokyo, assigned by each graduate school (refer appendix 2 "Documents for 2nd Screening and Required documents for applying as a Postgraduate International Research Student to the University of Tokyo". The accomplished documents are reviewed by faculty council. For the applicants who are requested to enroll in April, the letter of acceptance will be issued in Jan, 2012. They should take all the adequate process, such as visa, for entering to Japan and will enroll in April.
In addition, the nominated applicants requested to enroll in October should pay attention to the applying period and the date of issuance of the letter of acceptance, because they differ. Please contact with the graduate school you wish enroll for details.


Info beasiswa luar negeri

Mau cari info beasiswa luar negeri? Buka ajar situs yang nyediain info beasiswa S2 + program kuliah luar negeri yang cukup lengkap dan banyak.. Bisa baca ulasan2 siswa/alumni universitas yang terdaftar di situs mereka untuk bantu pilih tujuan yang tepat...


Ada juga bacaan tentang cara cari beasiswa yg mgkin bisa bantu kamu juga :

Beasiswa S1 Universitas Paramadina Jakarta

The Gateway for a Bright Future

Universitas Paramadina bekerjasama dengan para dermawan Indonesia untuk “keempat kalinya”, menawarkan beasiswa kepada siswa-siswi lulusan Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Atas (SLTA) atau sederajat yang memiliki prestasi akademik maupun non akademik untuk mengikuti pendidikan (S-1) di Universitas Paramadina, pada Program Studi :
  • Manajemen
  • Falsafah dan Agama,
  • Ilmu Komunikasi,
  • Psikologi,
  • Hubungan Internasional,
  • Teknik Informatika,
  • Desain Komunikasi Visual
  • Desain Produk Industri.
  • Siswa kelas 3 atau lulusan SLTA atau sederajat dari seluruh Indonesia.
  • Siswa kelas 3 atau lulusan SLTA atau sederajat, dengan nilai rata-rata NEM/UAN, STTB, dan Raport  Kelas I, II dan III, minimum 7,50.
  • Termasuk 10 siswa atau lulusan terbaik di kelas selama 4 (empat) semester.
  • Tanggal lahir 1 Januari 1988 dan setelahnya.
  • Memiliki kecerdasan emosional dan jiwa kepemimpinan, mudah bersosialisasi, serta beretika tinggi.
  • Aktif dalam kegiatan organisasi intra dan ekstra sekolah.
  • Mampu berbahasa Inggris atau bahasa asing lainnya.
  • Tidak pernah terlibat tindak kriminal (penyalahgunaan narkotika dan miras, pemalsuan, pelecehan seksual dan tindakan asusila lainnya, serta tindak kekerasan).
  • Memahami dan menyetujui semua persyaratan dan ketentuan yang berlaku dalam program beasiswa ini **
**) Ketentuan yang berlaku :
  1. Penerima beasiswa harus menyelesaikan masa kuliah dalam kurun 4 tahun kalender akademik.
  2. Siswa yang tidak mendapatkan nilai IPK minimal 3,00 selama dua semester pada saat perkuliahan, dinyatakan gagal dan tidak lagi memperoleh beasiswa untuk penyelesaian sisa masa studi.
  3. Nominasi ini akan gugur dengan sendirinya apabila siswa/pendaftar dinyatakan tidak lulus UAN.
  4. Tidak sedang menerima beasiswa untuk Pendidikan Tinggi.
  5. Tidak boleh menerima beasiswa lain, selama menjalani PF.

Proses Pendaftaran
Formulir pendaftaran dapat diperoleh di Bagian Informasi Universitas Paramadina tanpa dipungut biaya atau dapat di download di sini. Formulir Pendaftaran yang sudah diisi diserahkan sebelum batas waktu yang ditentukan dengan disertai :
1. Satu halaman tulisan yang berjudul “Aku Si Agent of Change di Masa Depan” dan satu halaman tulisan berjudul “Titik Nadir dalam Kehidupanku” (Petunjuk dan lembar essay terlampir).
2. Dua surat rekomendasi yaitu dari Kepala Sekolah atau Tokoh Masyarakat dan Guru. (Form surat rekomendasi terlampir).
3. Fotocopy transkip nilai (dilegalisir)
* Untuk Lulusan SLTA
  • Fotocopy NEM yang dilegalisir
  • STTB yang dilegalisir
  • Ijazah yang dilegalisir
  • Raport Kelas 1, 2, dan 3 yang dilegalisir
* Untuk Siswa SLTA Kelas 3
  • Fotocopy raport Kelas 1, 2, dan 3 yang dilegalisir
4. Fotocopy Sertifikat Penghargaan yang pernah diraih (khusus SLTA)
5. Surat keterangan tidak buta warna dari dokter (khusus pendaftar Desain Komunikasi Visual) dan tidak buta warna total (khusus pendaftar Desain Produk Industri).
6. Satu foto berwarna ukuran 4 x 6 cm
7. Fotocopy Kartu Identitas (KTP)
8. Fotocopy Kartu Keluarga

Catatan :
  • Formulir dan kelengkapan dokumen pendaftaran, dapat diserahkan langsung ke Bagian Informasi Universitas Paramadina (Senin – Jum’at, pukul 09.00 – 16.00 WIB dan Sabtu, pukul 09.00 – 13.00 WIB) atau dikirim melalui pos.
  • Kami tidak menerima pengembalian formulir dan berkas pendaftaran melalui e-mail.
Batas Waktu Pendaftaran
Batas akhir penyerahan formulir dan berkas pendaftaran Program Paramadina Fellowship 2011 adalah :
  • Melalui pos, dengan stempel pos, 9 April 2011.
  • Langsung diantar ke Universitas Paramadina, 15 April 2011.

Dana Beasiswa
Paramadina Fellowship 2011, mencakup pendanaan :
  • Dana transportasi dari tempat asal menuju ke Universitas Paramadina.
  • Biaya studi maksimal 4 tahun kalender akademik.
  • Dana pendukung pra-kuliah sebesar Rp 2.500.000,- (dua juta lima ratus ribu rupiah).
  • Tunjangan buku 1 juta rupiah per-semester.
  • Biaya hidup (living allowance) sebesar 1 juta rupiah per-bulan.** dan 20% dari dana tersebut dikenakan untuk dana asrama.
  • Disediakan asrama, wajib tinggal selama 2 tahun atau 4 semester berturut-turut.** dan dapat diperpanjang hingga akhir kuliah (maksimal 4 tahun, sesuai kalender akademik).
  • Kemungkinan pelatihan dan magang selama studi, di perusahaan Donor.
  • Peluang kesempatan kerja atau tawaran kerja dari Donor, setelah menyelesaikan studi S-1.

**) Keterangan :
  • Penerima beasiswa dari wilayah Jabodetabek, juga berhak atas biaya hidup dan wajib tinggal di asrama.
  • Pengelolaan asrama akan dibebankan pada masing-masing penghuni (dalam hal ini penerima PF) untuk melatih kemandirian dan lebih bertanggungjawab.


Untuk memperoleh informasi Paramadina Fellowship 2011,
Sdri. Lina & Cici
Telp. +62 21 7918 1188 Ext. 888/200
Sdri. Muna Pratiwi
Koordinator Fellowship
Telp. +62 21 7918 1188 Ext. 232/235

Universitas ParamadinaJl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 97
Mampang, Jakarta 12790
Telp. +62 21 7918 1188
Fax. +62 21 799 3375

Beasiswa Pemerintah Korea

Application for 2011 Government Scholarship Program

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology is recruiting '2011 Government Scholarship Students'. For more details, please refer to the following information.

1. Qualification : Applicants must meet all the following conditions:

a. Applicants must be 2nd or 3rd or 4th year undergraduate students.
b. GPA for the last semester must be over 80 out of 100.
c. Applicants must pass a minium fourth level in the Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK).

※ Students who have already received scholarships from the Government of Korea or other institutions are NOT allowed to apply. (ex. Students who have received scholarships from foreign governments or Il-Woo Foundation or 4 year scholarships are NOT allowed to apply)

2. Quota : Total 200 international students from all universities in Korea

3. Scholarship

a. Amount : Annually KRW 6 million per student (KRW 0.5 million X 12 months)
b. Winners of the Scholarhip will receive the money over an year.

4. Application

a. where to apply : International Center, Inha University
b. Application Deadline : 17:00 Mar. 2 (Wed) 2011
c. Application Documents :
1) Application Document
2) Copy of Passport
3) Certificate of Enrollment
4) Official Tran
※ Tran must be officially issued by Inha University. GPA should be converted into the percentage in the tran.
Transfer students must also submit trans of all universities attended.
5) a Proof of Proficiency of Korean (TOPIK) / It should be issue after Mar. 1 2009
6) a letter of self-introduction and study plan
7) a letter of recommendation
※ A letter of recommendation must include personal information of both recommender and recommendee and
a signature of the recommender. It should be sealed by the recommender.
8) Other Documents (ex. proof of English proficiency, proof of other achievements or awards)

5. Important Things

a. Applicant's English name must be identical to the one shown in the passport
b. All the application documents must be A4 size
c. tran must be officially issued by Inha University.
d. application documents must be properly sorted out and submitted.
e. If the application documents are false, the applicant is NOT eligible.
f. If an student wins the scholarship but later drop out of school, the scholarship is stripped off.
g. Application documents will NOT be returned




Beasiswa King Abdul Azis University

Admission for Graduate

King Abdul Aziz University Announces the Admission for Graduate
Studies Scholarship for Applicants from outside Saudi Arabia
For the academic year 2011/2012
Deanship of Graduate Studies at King Abdul Aziz university, at Saudi Arabia,
Jeddah, announces the admission to graduate programs for master and Ph.D degrees
for non-Saudis from outside the Kingdom for the year 2011/2012, and that
according to following;
Disciplines available for Ph.D:
Faculty of Arts and Humanities:
History, library and information, sociology, Arabic language.
Faculty of Sciences:
Biology, chemistry, biochemistry.
Faculty of Engineering (Males Only):
Civil engineering
Faculty of Earth Sciences (Males Only): 
Engineering and environmental geology, hydrogeology, petroleum and sediments

Faculty of Metrology, Environment and Arid Land Agriculture (Males Only):
Arid land agriculture, environmental sciences
Disciplines available of master degree:
Faculty of Economics & Administration:
Accounting, Public Administration, Economics, Systems.
Faculty of Arts and Humanities:
English literature and linguistics, history, sociology, libraries and
information, geography, Arabic language, Islamic studies, psychology.

Faculty of Sciences:
Chemistry, biology, mathematics, physics, statistics, biochemistry, astronomy
and space.

Faculty of Engineering:
Civil engineering, Production engineering and mechanical systems designing,
thermal engineering and desalination technology, industrial engineering,
electrical and computer engineering, chemical and material engineering, nuclear
engineering, aeronautic engineering, mining engineering.

Faculty of Earth Sciences (Males Only):
  Mineral and rocks wealth, engineering and environmental geology, hydrogeology,
petroleum and sediments geology, structural and remote sensing geology,

Faculty of Metrology, Environment and Arid Land Agriculture (Males Only):
Metrology, Arid land agriculture, environmental sciences, water resources
sciences and management.

Faculty of Marine Sciences (Males Only):
Marine biology, marine physics, marine chemistry, marine geology.
Faculty of Environmental Designs (Males Only):
Urban and regional planning, architecture
College of Computing & Information Technology:
Computer sciences.
Home Economics:
 Islamic arts, clothing and textiles, childhood studies, housing and house
management,  food and nutrition, educational and home economics.

Admission conditions:
1.      Applicant age not exceed (30) years for master degree and (35) years for

2.      Applicant should hold approved official academic qualification of grade
not less than "Very Good", if the degree offered in grade,  from his home

3.      Acquiring one of the following degrees in English language exams:

Exam type Applicant for M. Degree Applicants for Ph.D
TOEFL exam (PBT) 550 500
TOEFL exam (CBT) 79 61
ILTS 5.5 5

4.      Applicant should be of good conductance and medically fit
5.      Applicant should submit scientific recommendations from his previously

6.      Applicant should not be dismissed from one of the educational
institutions in the Kingdom.

7.      Applicants certificates should be certified from one of Saudi embassies
in applicant  country.

Scholarship privileges:
1. Payment of a monthly award of (2400 SR) for MA students and (3400 SR) to a
PhD students.

2. Payment of accommodation allowance (1800 SR) when scholarship student

3. Health care for the student and his family, if he bring his family to live
with him.

4. Providing of housing and suitable scientific, social, cultural and training

5. Procurement of reduced meals
6. Not continual award of (3000 SR) for MA students, and (4000 SR) for Ph. D
students as allowance of word-processing of  thesis.

7. Graduation award for books cargo (2700SR)
8. Yearly back and forth Traveling tickets for the student and his family
   Required documents:
1. Curriculum vitae for the applicant
2. Research proposal for the specialization to be enrolled.
3. A copy of graduation certificate (certified from Saudi Embassy)
4. A copy of transcript (certified from Saudi Embassy)
5. Two scientific recommendations from previous instructors.
Tasks and duties of scholarship student:
In addition to joining graduate study programs, scholarship student should carry
out suitable academic and technical works for his specialization, so that this
will not affect on his academic performance and on the educational quality of

Application mechanism:
Apply to graduate studies program take place through access to Our Website KAU
Scholarships for Graduate Studies, and reading the regulations and conditions of
admission available programs and then start filling the electronic application
and attaching the required documents for those who fulfill the admission
conditions within the period of admission which begin in 15/01/2011 to

Contact and inquiry:
Dr. Ahmed Hamed
International Students Unite (ISU-DGS)
Tel. + 966(2) 6951265, + 966(2) 6951195 Extension 204
Fax: +26951281
Web site: http://dgsscholarship.kau.edu.sa/